  • Видео 16
  • Просмотров 5 888


Просмотров 374 месяца назад
Trying to predict the future.Trying to predict the future.
Trying to predict the future.
Просмотров 64 месяца назад
Find the ImmortalsFind the Immortals
Find the Immortals
Просмотров 374 месяца назад
Absolute truth from my side.Absolute truth from my side.
Absolute truth from my side.
Просмотров 2324 месяца назад
Time is fasterTime is faster
Time is faster
Просмотров 5934 месяца назад
This is the end.This is the end.
This is the end.
Просмотров 3734 месяца назад
We used to be vegetarians. Meat is a Curse.We used to be vegetarians. Meat is a Curse.
We used to be vegetarians. Meat is a Curse.
Просмотров 64 месяца назад
You can't win this alone.You can't win this alone.
You can't win this alone.
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Men don't have themMen don't have them
Men don't have them
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Просмотров 5074 месяца назад
They're hereThey're here
They're here
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Let him take chargeLet him take charge
Let him take charge
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Kingdom of HeavenKingdom of Heaven
Kingdom of Heaven
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Idolatry will led you astrayIdolatry will led you astray
Idolatry will led you astray
Просмотров 564 месяца назад


  • @nandoplayeetc4980
    @nandoplayeetc4980 4 месяца назад

    Wdym? Optimus prime was never scared of us

  • @Toru_Adachi
    @Toru_Adachi 4 месяца назад

    What are you yapping about little bro

  • @Vestioc
    @Vestioc 4 месяца назад

    Not everyone is real human. The majority of the population consists of NPCs, lacking in true depth or soul. Their purpose seems to be to divide real humans, perpetuate wrongdoing, disrupt democratic foundations, and sever spiritual connections. While they're distinguishable from genuine humans, your actions towards them still carry karmic weight, prohibiting harm. Recognize and disregard them to diminish their influence.

  • @Vestioc
    @Vestioc 4 месяца назад

    Governments worldwide have collaborated on a project aimed at forecasting the future through collective efforts. This initiative combines scientific and spiritual elements, harnessing the assistance of otherworldly entities. However, a notable challenge arises as these entities aren't consistently truthful and demand exorbitant payments, often of dubious nature.

  • @Vestioc
    @Vestioc 4 месяца назад

    Currently, there exist over a dozen Immortals in the world. Some bear their immortality as a curse, while others were bestowed it as a boon. Regardless of the circumstances, all are human remnants of diverse, ancient lost civilizations. Seek them out, for they hold invaluable knowledge about their civilizations and the reasons for their demise.

  • @Vestioc
    @Vestioc 4 месяца назад

    I'll be taking a break this week. Till then think over what I've already shared. Feel free to ask any questions you may have.

    • @CherryBGD
      @CherryBGD 4 месяца назад

      who is your barber??

  • @Vestioc
    @Vestioc 4 месяца назад

    You've likely noticed that time seems to be passing faster. This phenomenon isn't merely a result of aging, as some internet theories suggest. People of all ages are experiencing it; our 24-hour days feel shorter by 3 to 5 hours. Despite this widespread feeling, it's rarely openly acknowledged. The lack of scientific explanation stems from the absence of a baseline for comparison. Time appears faster, but compared to what? Every aspect of our reality seems to be accelerating without a frame of reference. To delve deeper into this, we would require insight from someone existing in a different dimension. We know this because our souls inhabit this realm while also being connected to another dimension within God's domain causingus to experience this acceleration. This connection needs to be unhindered by cosmic barriers i.e. firmament, and for conducting the research must possess significant intelligence. Such beings are rare and demand a high price for their services. Understanding this phenomenon is crucial, as it's eroding our species from within, hastening our decline without offering us a chance to intervene. Without comprehending its cause, we remain at a disadvantage. We must act swiftly, as our ability to adapt is being outpaced by this accelerating reality.

  • @Vestioc
    @Vestioc 4 месяца назад

    This represents the final opportunity for reversal. Should this iteration culminate in divine intervention, necessitating a purging of civilization, subsequent iterations are destined for the extinction of the human race. Presently, our lifespan is confined to a maximum of 100 years, a duration further curtailed by 20-30% due to contemporary lifestyles. Our successors may endure lifespans capped at 40-60 years, inhabit bodies so feeble they can scarcely manage daily tasks, possess weakened immunity rendering survival precarious, and inhabit nearly sterile environments. Consider the vulnerability of succumbing to a mere mosquito bite. The human physique will be irredeemably compromised, offering scant worth for preservation in the event of divine cleansing. Indeed, it is conceivable that divine intervention may be withheld altogether, given the absence of anything deemed salvageable. However, such dire prospects can be averted through adherence to a divine path. By embracing divine precepts and guidance, we not only evade impending cataclysms but may even achieve ascension as a species. The damage wrought by previous cataclysms could potentially be rectified. We have at our disposal the requisite knowledge, tools, and support; all that remains is to make the correct choices. Consider: there will be no reprieves, no survivors in subsequent instances.

  • @Vestioc
    @Vestioc 4 месяца назад

    God never intended for humans to sustain themselves through killing. Originally, humans were not designed for meat consumption; they were meant to solely consume plant-based products, which provided all necessary nutrition. Corruption entered the picture when one of our past civilization coexisted partially with another species reliant on meat. These beings introduced humans to animal products like milk, honey and others, which acted as potent superfoods, temporarily boosting strength, vitality, and mental capabilities but with side effects. Over time, humans adapted to these foods, with the positive effects diminishing and the negative effects subsiding. Eventually, these beings introduced humans to meat consumption (a practice forbidden by God), which had a drug-like effect, providing immediate increased capabilities but resulting in death within days. It was heavily utilized in warfare. To address this issue of meat being fatal to humans, humans requested those beings to assist in editing their DNA/bodies, enabling future generations to consume both plant and meat without side effects. However, this led to a significant decrease in the benefits gained from these foods. Their enlarged bodies seeking sustenance, individuals became insatiable, ravaging flora and fauna and ultimately resorting to cannibalism and attacking the beings. God intervened, purging the entire civilization and commanding the beings to separate from the world, forbidden from returning. Some survivors were chosen, with their bodies partially restored to better utilize vegetarian food. However, the curse of meat consumption as a means of sustenance remains, symbolizing humanity's defiance against God. Vegetarian food no longer powers our modified bodies as effectively as it did in the original design. The genetic markers from that era still linger within us. This information could be comprehensively understood through scientific analysis in a laboratory within a year.

  • @yaqublohar962
    @yaqublohar962 4 месяца назад

    Underrated short

  • @Vestioc
    @Vestioc 4 месяца назад

    A faction of humanity is seeking assistance from non-human entities, which unfortunately are malevolent in nature. Their aim is to dominate other humans and exploit them for their own selfish gains, driven by selfishness and arrogance. In return, these beings are offered lives in the form of sacrificial victims and people from whom they feed on emotions. This exploitation represents a violation of free will. God has expressly forbidden non-human entities from contacting us. Confronting this threat alone is futile; instead, we must turn to God for help. By calling upon Him, we can be assured of His protection and defense.

  • @Coconut_Prrson
    @Coconut_Prrson 4 месяца назад

    This is straight up some cult shenanigans

  • @Vestioc
    @Vestioc 4 месяца назад

    Originally, male humans did not possess nipples. Nipples are a secondary component of the reproductive system found exclusively in females. Primarily serving to provide nourishment to infants as part of the breasts, they also function as a point of attraction for males. The presence of nipples on male bodies came about due to a transgender modification treatment from an ancient civilization that went awry, resulting in permanent genetic alterations to the human genome. The consequences were severe enough to extend to animals as well. Since then, every male human has been born with nipples. This addition is not a natural component of the original male human body but rather a lingering reminder of the dangers of tampering with the laws of nature. Unfortunately, I am unable to disclose further details. I trust that women will comprehend the message I am attempting to convey. It is essential to safeguard one's dignity and honor.

    • @JUST_Ansh275
      @JUST_Ansh275 4 месяца назад

      Understood 👍🏻

    • @someshgodbole733
      @someshgodbole733 4 месяца назад

      You have some hidden ancient knowledge my friend please spread it more.

    • @JUST_Ansh275
      @JUST_Ansh275 4 месяца назад

      @@someshgodbole733 kindly

    • @devanshugaur6490
      @devanshugaur6490 4 месяца назад

      Indeed. ​@@someshgodbole733

  • @Vestioc
    @Vestioc 4 месяца назад

    Humans were initially created with many attributes directly inspired by a higher being's body design. The first generation of humans enjoyed freedom from aging, diseases, and genetic or reproductive issues, possessing numerous physical and mental capabilities. However, as civilizations formed, humans began unlawfully altering their bodies, leading to defects and degradation, often with the assistance of other beings. This transgression, known as the first sin, resulted in the collapse of the initial civilization and introduced aging and diseases to humans. Even then these remenents of first cataclysm used to live for thousands of years. Subsequent civilizations saw further decline, with each iteration rendering humans weaker,lesser lifespan, more susceptible to disease, and plagued by genetic and reproductive issues. With each collapse, humanity lost a significant portion of its original quality (1/2 to 1/3), resulting in our current state of relatively short lifespans, heightened susceptibility to diseases, and diminished physical and mental capabilities. The projected future includes even shorter lifespans , increased bodily and mental limitations, and widespread genetic and reproductive issues, ultimately culminating in a another iteration of humans much inferiorto current humans. The next post apocalyptic generation will see lives around 50 years, much weaker body and mind, genetic and reproductive issues in every family and a highly weakened immune system. Imagine nearly dying from a single mosquito bite or a scratch. During each apocalypse, God may save some survivors, but none emerge unscathed. Selection is based on the purity of the soul and minimal bodily corruption. Ultimately, the responsibility lies with individuals to care for their bodies and prevent future apocalypses. Contrary to the notion of evolution, humanity is regressing. However, there's hope for reversal, as it's achievable through relatively simple means. We still have time, we have all the necessary means to do it. Think about it.

    • @The_Manface_Doge
      @The_Manface_Doge 4 месяца назад

      pov: i aint readin allat🔥

    • @JJthefrenchie
      @JJthefrenchie 4 месяца назад

      How do u know???❤❤❤

    • @ezeycemaf7451
      @ezeycemaf7451 4 месяца назад

      Holy shit, this is full of BS, ppl please do not read this.

    @TOMBKORE 4 месяца назад

    Naw Christ is king

  • @Vestioc
    @Vestioc 4 месяца назад

    It would be presumptuous to claim that we're the only highly intelligent species on Earth. God has created various beings, some below us like animals, birds, insects, and flora, while others surpass us in intelligence, lifespan, and capabilities. Throughout history, there have been accounts of these beings coexisting with humans, offering aid and knowledge. While some serve God, others live independently. Our current isolation is rooted in the belief that humans have been granted this world by God, making us the priority. Past conflicts led to God's intervention, restricting our interactions to occasional communication and transactions. Eventually, a no-contact policy was established for our safety after repeated conflicts. Although these beings still exist, both on Earth and in space, there's been no contact out of respect for God's decision. Any breach would have serious consequences for both parties. However, there's increasing pressure to reconsider these boundaries, with the potential for limited communication for transactional purposes in the future.

  • @mzakyr342
    @mzakyr342 4 месяца назад

    "Does it really matter to have a human enemy?" 💀 Aye fun fact by commenting it makes the videos more seen by the algorithm

  • @Vestioc
    @Vestioc 4 месяца назад

    Surrender your worries to God's care. Entrust your adversaries to His handling. Seek refuge in His protective embrace. By submitting yourself to Him, you empower Him to intervene on your behalf. Who else possesses the wisdom and capability to resolve matters better than God? He is omniscient and omnipotent, capable of rendering the best judgment. Conversely, taking matters into your own hands will lead to loss of control, with emotions clouding your judgment. Furthermore, by choosing to act independently, you deny God the opportunity to assist you. You voluntarily remove Him from the situation, a choice He never imposes upon you. Let God be the ultimate judge, for His justice is infallible.

  • @Vestioc
    @Vestioc 4 месяца назад

    Faith in government and patriotism, when elevated above God, amounts to idolatry. It's fundamentally wrong to prioritize allegiance to politicians and borders over devotion to God. Many political leaders are morally corrupt, and national boundaries are subject to the whims of rulers, while wars are often waged for personal gain. Sacrificing one's soul to fulfill the directives of fallible men is nonsensical in the eyes of God. Instead, our focus should be on striving for the governance of God Himself. We ought to pray for the establishment of the Kingdom of God, where He will reign directly over the Earth, ensuring a just and righteous government. Only then can we truly have a governance system that aligns with divine principles and serves the greater good of all humanity.

  • @Vestioc
    @Vestioc 4 месяца назад

    Believing in anything other than God constitutes idolatry. Idolatry involves elevating something or someone as an idol and unquestioningly accepting whatever is given or said by them, essentially worshipping them. To be considered worthy of being an idol, one must be incorruptible and infallible, qualities only attributable to God, who is capable of being right every time. Everything and everyone else is susceptible to corruption and failure. God regards worship of anything other than Himself as idolatry, whether it be avatars, prophets, books, deities, superior beings, nature, celestial bodies, science, arts, knowledge, symbols, culture, leaders, gurus, pastors, politicians, athletes, entertainers, scientists, names, bodies, or even His own messages. Only God is deserving of worship. Worshipping anything besides God is misguided, as it's impossible to anticipate when these entities might deviate from God's will, potentially misguiding individuals. Given that everything and everyone else is susceptible to corruption and failure, revering them is incorrect, as they could divert one from God's intended path. Furthermore, it's evident that there's nothing these entities can provide that God cannot, but there's an abundance of blessings that God can bestow upon you which many of them cannot even fathom. While these entities may serve as catalysts or paths to understanding God, they should never be worshipped or prioritized above Him. They are never to be equated with God or prayed to directly. All prayers should be directed solely to God.

  • @Vestioc
    @Vestioc 4 месяца назад

    God has punished civilizations for three main transgressions, and our current society is even more degraded than those that came before. 1. Disregard for free will is evident in forced medical treatments, tampering with food and water, GMOs, and genetic experiments that impact individuals without their consent, potentially harming both body and soul. 2. Moral decay is rampant, with perverse teachings in education, idolatry in various forms such as symbols, rituals, and even in science and law, alongside linguistic degradation and verbal depravity. 3. Sexual deviance, including gender dysphoria, promotion of non-reproductive sexual behaviors, and the normalization of incest and other taboo practices, threatens the very fabric of human reproduction. Each of these factors alone could lead to humanity's downfall, and all three are currently accelerating. The damage is so extensive that only divine intervention could offer salvation. The signs of God's imminent return are clear, with future generations projected to suffer even greater afflictions, potentially reaching a point where the majority are affected by gender and sexual issues. Unless divine intervention occurs before 2050, the consequences for humanity's genetic integrity are highly anticipated to be irreversible, spelling doom for our species.